Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What a day

Yesterday was a beautiful day to start making hay. We were in LaGrange at the Ward Trenching shop and when this little bit is done we move into Nebraska. Don Richards has been kind enough to let us hay half his circle and try out or ground driven baler.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Well, I asked for water!

Joe said he would get water to the garden one way or another by tonight. I was sure he was just saying this to keep me happy, kind of like the last dozen times he has said it. But this time him and Mother Nature got in agreement and they gave me water! Way to much water! I'm trying not to complain, rain is always good and we always need more. But this came down so fast it turned the side yard into a river, washing away all the grass seed that I had just planted. And because Joe and I are known for our procrastination we had still to dig the drainage ditch that was to run down the middle of the garden. Yes, the rain came up and the garden washed away. Well, part of it did. I spent the evening picking up onion sets and making rows so I had a place to put them and this morning I gathering up pea seed. The good news is my garden has been watered! The peas I picked up were sprouted and the beans, as far as I know, are save in the ground. The grass seed I am sure will have 100% germination, in the ditch, but any grass is good grass. I love spring rain in Wyoming!
The sounds are the best. This storm had a lot of lighting up in the clouds. The thunder was a soft to strong rolling rumble that never seamed to stop, it just rolled into the next one. I love that sound as it is not the kind that wakes you up in the night but rocks you to sleep along with the rain on the roof. It did stop raining before bed but not before dumping 1 1/2 inches on us. When I went out last night it was still raining lightly. The air had the wonderful clean smell and you could hear toads talking all over the place. I'm not sure where they come from but I remember the first time we got a big rain, it was the first spring we were married, and our front yard was full of toads. The made so much noise you could hear it in the house but the next morning they were gone. Only one or two were still sitting a puddle. Same thing happened again, where do they come from? Where do they go? Who knows.