Thursday, February 28, 2013

Eggs for another day

We went from no eggs to about 18 eggs a day this month. After giving eggs to everyone who stopped by and having kids who complain that all they eat is eggs I felt something had to be done. So I started to look for ways to save eggs for when the hens decide to stop laying again. I found a great blog past on freezing eggs at Chickens in the Road. I used baby food  freezer trays so it takes 2 cubes to equal one  egg from my hens. I get  big eggs from most of the girls.

 The kids and I finished the living room timeline project today as well. Who knew that moving around all the furniture, changing the curtains, scrubbing down everything and decorating could make a room with a floor to ceiling timeline look so nice. We still have a few little things to hang and put away but all in all I think it's very nice. 

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